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Sporty interior of

Maarschalkerweerd, Utrecht 

Maarschalkerweerd is the largest sports (complex) area in Utrecht, and also forms the transition to the Amelisweerd nature and recreation area. TRACK was asked to inventory where the recreational/sporting significance of Maarschalkerweerd could be increased. We examined the area in two ways; (1) by mapping the use by runners and walkers, (2) by mapping their experience by runners who use the area. A 'Google-Map survey' was developed for this, in which 70 runners mapped out their positive and negative experiences. Numerous opportunities for improvement became visible, the slideshows shown below give some examples.

Download Link  complete report Track-Landscapes


Client: Municipality of Utrecht


Date trajectory: 2017-07 <-> 2017-12


Project status: The study is an advice, which forms a basis for the municipality for the development perspective that has been drawn up: perspective-maarschalkerweerd.html .  



Along the Kromme Rijn

A bridge between sports (complexes),

the city and the countryside

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