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Inspiration bundle walkable landscape 

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Client: Wandelnet Foundation


Date trajectory: 2021-06 <-> 2021-12






Track-landscapes made this collection of inspirational projects for the Wandelnet foundation, which show how we can make the Dutch rural area more accessible for walkers.


For it cannot have escaped your notice; The Dutch have started walking even more en masse. And that walking movement also leads to a new appreciation. In 2020 we realized once again that a beautifully accessible landscape, close to home, ensures quality of life. But then we have to realize those attractive and walkable landscapes, because it is by no means taken for granted everywhere. That is what this collection of inspiration argues for.  


In order to achieve the ambition of a landscape that can be walked on on a larger scale, it is likely to connect with various 'rural' tasks related to the forms of land use that (re)structure the landscape. These future tasks are both numerous and extensive: the construction of hundreds of thousands of homes, making mobility more sustainable and expanding, major restoration of nature, coupled reduction of nitrogen and ambition for circular agriculture, and taskings of flood risk management and water storage.

Recreational accessibility, including walking accessibility, can be linked as an opportunity in all these themes. It gives the 'problematic tasks' a positive spin, a pleasant added value. And that is necessary, a view of the values that these transitions can deliver makes you enthusiastic to bet on them. These major themes form the follow-up chapters of the collection of inspiration. Because there are already so many beautiful examples of how walking can be integrally developed. 

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